VELscope® Cancer Screening

VELscope® is a device that uses fluorescent technology to help dentists detect abnormalities in the mouth that may indicate the presence of cancer or precancerous conditions. It is often used in conjunction with traditional visual inspection and other diagnostic tests to assess the health of the oral cavity.

The VELscope® system uses a blue light that stimulates the natural fluorescence of healthy oral tissue. Abnormalities in the mouth, such as cancerous or precancerous lesions, may appear differently under the blue light and can be detected by the trained operator.

Early detection of oral cancer is important because it can significantly improve treatment outcomes. When cancer is detected at an early stage, it is often smaller and has not yet spread to other parts of the body. This means that there are typically more treatment options available and the chances of a successful outcome are generally higher.

The VELscope® system is designed to help healthcare professionals detect potentially cancerous tissue earlier, which can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment. It is a non-invasive device that does not require the use of dyes or other substances, and has been clinically proven to help discover otherwise undetectable signs of oral disease. By using the VELscope® system in combination with other diagnostic tests and techniques, healthcare professionals can potentially improve their ability to detect and diagnose oral cancer at an early stage.

If you have any questions about our VELscope® Cancer Screening, please feel free to speak to Dr. Michael Cohen & Associates or one of our Lakeside Family Dental team members today.

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